Circuit Complexity before the Dawn of the New Millennium 1


  • Eric Allender

The 1980's saw rapid and exciting development of techniques for proving lower bounds in circuit complexity. This pace has slowed recently, and there has even been work indicating that quite di erent proof techniques must be employed to advance beyond the current frontier of circuit lower bounds. Although this has engendered pessimism in some quarters, there have in fact been many positive developments in the past few years showing that signi cant progress is possible on many fronts. This paper is a (necessarily incomplete) survey of the state of circuit complexity as we await the dawn of the new millennium. 1 Superpolynomial Size Lower Bounds Complexity theory long ago achieved its goal of presenting interesting and important computational problems that, although computable, nonetheless require such huge circuits to compute that they are computationally intractable. In fact, in Stockmeyer's thesis, the unusual step was taken of translating an asymptotic result into concrete terms: Theorem 1.1 [Sto74] Any circuit that takes as input a formula (in the language of WS1S) with up to 616 symbols and produces as output a correct answer saying whether the formula is valid or not, requires at least 10123 gates. To quote from [Sto87]: Even if gates were the size of a proton and were connected by in nitely thin wires, the network would densely ll the known universe. In the intervening years complexity theory has made some progress proving that other problems A require circuits of superpolynomial size (in symbols: A 62 P/poly), but no such A has been shown to exist in nondeterministic exponential time (NTIME(2nO(1))) or even in the potentially larger class DTIME(2nO(1))NP. Where can we nd sets that are not in P/poly? A straightforward diagonalization shows that for any superpolynomial time-bound T , there is a problem in DSPACE(T (n)) P/poly. Recall that deterministic space complexity is roughly the same as alternating time complexity [CKS81]. It turns out that the full power of alternation is not needed to obtain sets outside of P/poly { two alternations su ce, as can be shown using techniques of [Kan82] (see also [BH92]). Combined with Toda's theorem [Tod91] we obtain the following. Theorem 1.2 [Kan82, BH92, Tod91] Let T be a time-constructible superpolynomial function. Then NTIME(T (n))NP 6 P/poly. DTIME(T (n))PP 6 P/poly. A further improvement was reported by K obler and Watanabe, who showed that even ZPTIME(T (n))NP is not contained in P/poly [KW]. (Here, ZPTIME(T (n)) is zero-error probabilistic time T (n).) Is this the best that we can do? To the best of my knowledge, it is not known if the classes PrTIME(2logO(1)n) (unbounded error probabilistic quasipolynomial time) and DTIME(2nO(1))C=P are contained in P/poly (even relative to an oracle). There are oracles relative to which DTIME(2nO(1))NP has polynomial-size circuits [Hel86, Wil85], thus showing that relativizable techniques cannot be used to present superpolynomial circuit size bounds for NTIME(2nO(1)). Note, however that nonrelativizing techniques have been used on closely-related problems [BFNW93]. More to the point, as reported in [KW], Buhrman and Fortnow and also Thierauf have shown that the exponential-time version of the complexity { 2 { class MA contains problems outside of P/poly, although this is false relative to some oracles. (In particular, this shows that PrTIME(2nO(1)) is not contained P/poly.) One can hope that further insights will lead to more progress on this front. In the mean time, it has turned out to be very worthwhile to consider some important subclasses of P/poly. 2 Smaller Circuit Classes We will focus our attention on ve important circuit complexity classes:1 1. AC0 is the class of problems solvable by polynomial-size, constant-depth circuits of AND, OR, and NOT gates of unbounded fan-in. AC0 corresponds to O(1)-time computation on a parallel computer, and it also consists exactly of the languages that can be speci ed in rst-order logic [Imm89, BIS90]. AC0 circuits are powerful enough to add and subtract n-bit numbers. 2. NC1 is the class of problems solvable by circuits of AND, OR, and NOT gates of fan-in two and depth O(log n). NC1 circuits capture exactly the circuit complexity required to evaluate a Boolean formula [Bus93], and to recognize a regular set [Bar89]. There are deep connections between circuit complexity and algebra, and NC1 corresponds to computation over any non-solvable algebra [Bar89]. 3. ACC0 is the class of problems solvable by polynomial-size, constant-depth circuits of unbounded fan-in AND, OR, NOT, and MODm gates. (A MODm gate takes inputs x1; : : : ; xn and determines if the number of 1's among these inputs is a multiple of m.) To be more precise, AC0(m) is the class of problems solvable by polynomial-size, constant-depth circuits of unbounded fan-in AND, OR, NOT, and MODm gates, and ACC0 = Sm AC0(m). In the algebraic theory mentioned above, ACC0 corresponds to computation over any solvable algebra [BT88]. Thus in the algebraic theory, ACC0 is the most natural subclass of NC1. 4. TC0 is the class of problems solvable by polynomial-size, constant-depth threshold circuits. TC0 captures exactly the complexity of integer multiplication and division, and sorting [CSV84]. Also, TC0 is a good complexity-theoretic model for \neural net" computation [PS88, PS89]. 5. NC0 is the class of problems solvable by circuits of AND, OR, and NOT gates of fan-in two and depth O(1). Note that each output bit can only depend on O(1) input bits in such a circuit. Thus any function in NC0 is computed by depth two AC0 circuits, merely using DNF or CNF expansion. 1Thus this survey will ignore the large body of beautiful work on the circuit complexity of larger subclasses of P and NC. { 3 { NC0 is obviously extremely limited; such circuits cannot even compute the logical OR of n input bits. One of the surprises of circuit complexity is that, in spite of its severe limitations, NC0 is in some sense quite \close" to AC0 in computational power. Quite a few powerful techniques are known for proving lower bounds for AC0 circuits; it is known that AC0 is properly contained in ACC0. It is not hard to see that ACC0 TC0 NC1. As we shall see below, weak lower bounds have been proven for ACC0 and TC0, whereas almost nothing is known for NC1. 3 AC0 A dramatic series of papers in the 1980's [Ajt83, FSS84, Cai89, Yao85, H as87] gave us a proof that AC0 circuits require exponential size even to determine if the number of 1's in the input is odd or even. (See also the excellent tutorial [BS90].) The main tool in proving this and other lower bounds for AC0 is H astad's Switching Lemma, one version of which states that most of the \sub-functions" of any AC0 function f are in NC0. (A sub-function of f is obtained by setting most of the n input bits to 0 or 1, leaving a function of the n remaining unset bits. Such a sub-function is called a restriction of f .) An interesting new proof of the Switching Lemma was presented by [Raz95] (see also [FL95, AAR]), and further extensions were presented by [Bea], the latter motivated in particular by the usefulness of the Switching Lemma as a tool in proving bounds on the length of propositional proofs. Although the switching lemma is the most powerful tool we have for proving lower bounds for AC0, it is not the only one. Lower bound arguments were presented in [Rad94, HJP93] for depth three circuits, and a notion of deterministic restriction was presented in [CR96] that is useful for proving nonlinear size bounds. It is important to note that, although the Switching Lemma tells us that any function f in AC0 is \close to" functions computed by depth two circuits (since most restrictions of f are computed in depth two), it also provides the tools to show that for all k, there are depth k + 1 circuits of linear size that require exponential size to simulate with depth k circuits [H as87]. This is in sharp contrast to the class of circuits considered in the next section, where e cient depth reduction is possible. The Switching Lemma also provides extremely strong bounds on the di culty of approximating the parity function (in the sense of giving the correct answer more than half of the time). This enabled Nisan and Wigderson [NW94] to construct, for any k, a pseudorandom generator that is (a) computable in AC0, and (b) takes logO(1) n bits of input and produces n bits of output, and (c) is secure against statistical tests computed by depth k AC0 circuits. (That is, any depth k circuit has essentially the same probability of accepting when the input is the \pseudorandom" output of f , as when the input is a random string of length n.) This has many applications in derandomization. For instance, given a depth k circuit Cn, the Switching Lemma tells us that a randomly-chosen restriction will simplify Cn to a depth two circuit. Can such a be found quickly deterministically? The Nisan-Wigderson generator easily provides an algorithm running in time 2logO(1) n: Note that the set f(C; ) : C is a depth k circuit and C is a depth two circuitg is in AC0. Set C to Cn and letting { 4 { be random; with high probability the AC0 circuit accepts. Thus with high probability the circuit also accepts when is pseudorandom. Since there are only 2logO(1) n pseudorandom strings, this set can be searched exhaustively. It is important to note that, although strong \non-approximability" bounds are known for some other classes of circuits (as we will see below), as of yet the AC0 lower bounds are the only ones that are strong enough to allow use of the Nisan-Wigderson construction. Pseudorandomness for AC0 was further studied by Sitharam [Sit95], who related pseudorandomness to polylog(n)-wise independence. Although AC0 circuits can produce output that looks pseudorandom to other AC0 circuits, AC0 lacks the ability to compute pseudorandom function generators for general polynomialtime computations; this was proved in [LMN93] as a corollary to their main results analyzing the Fourier spectrum of AC0 functions. (This relates to one of the many ways of representing functions by polynomials; for a survey, see [Bei93].) 4 Toward ACC0 and TC0 Algbraic considerations are what led to ACC0 being identi ed as an object of study, and algebraic tools are what led to the lower bounds for the classes AC0(p) that form the basic building blocks of ACC0. Smolensky [Smo87] (building on the work of Razborov [Raz87]) showed that if m is not a power of prime p, then the MODm function is is not in AC0(p). This can be proved by combining two arguments: Any depth k AC0(p) circuit is equivalent to a depth two probabilistic circuit with a single MODp output gate and nlogO(1) n AND gates with polylogarithmic fan in on the bottom level.2 This sort of depth-reduction stands in sharp contrast to the fact that AC0 circuits of depth k cannot in general be simulated by depth k 1 circuits without an exponential blow-up in size. This sort of depth reduction is studied in more detail in [AH94, KVVY93, Tar93, ABFR94]. Since this probabilistic depth two circuit is equivalent to the original circuit, there is some setting of the probabilistic bits that can be used to obtain a deterministic circuit (equivalently, a polynomial over GFp having degree logO(1) n) that agrees with the original circuit on a large number of inputs. The MODm function cannot agree with any low-degree polynomial over GFp` on very many inputs (for any constant `). (Also see the presentation of Smolensky's proof in [BS90]. A very di erent proof was later published, again by Smolensky [Smo93].) It is encouraging that something very like the depth-reduction to depth two circuits holds also for all of ACC0. The results of [Yao90, BT94] show that every set in ACC0 is recognized 2Since so many theorems about constant-depth circuits provide simulating circuits of \quasipolynomial" size (that is, size 2logO(1) n), Barrington has given a framework where quasipolynomial circuit size is studied, instead of polynomial size [Bar92]. { 5 { by a depth two deterministic circuit with nlogO(1) n AND gates at the input level, and a single symmetric gate at the root. Circuits of this sort, called SYM+ circuits because they are in some sense only \a bit" more powerful than a single symmetric gate, were shown to be able to simulate an even larger class of circuits in [BTT92]. Later work by [GKR+95] shows that the symmetric gate can be chosen to be the \middle bit" function (that outputs the middle bit of the number r, where r is the number of inputs to the gate that evaluate to 1). Unfortunately, no analog to the second part of Smolensky's argument is known to hold when p is replaced by a composite number. Although initially it seems that a MOD6 gate should not be signi cantly more useful than a MOD7 gate for computing functions such as the MAJORITY function (or SAT), this has not been established. Indeed, as we shall see in the next section, there are certain settings where composite moduli are provably more powerful than prime moduli. It remains unknown if there is any problem in DTIME(2nO(1) )NP that is not in ACC0. Even worse, it is not known if any problem in DTIME(2nO(1))NP requires more than polynomial size to compute on depth three circuits consisting only of MOD6 gates! 5 Special Cases: Depth Two and Depth Three In this section we try to survey the recent work attacking special cases of ACC0 and TC0 circuits. Although there are many incomparable results (and some have probably been overlooked) there a few main streams of work that have developed. 5.1 Low-Degree Polynomials A great deal of the work on ACC0 and its subclasses deals with simulating circuits (in one of several ways) by polynomials of low degree. We refer the reader to the survey by Beigel [Bei93] for better coverage of this topic. Here, we will pick out only a few ideas and recent developments. Most work on simulating circuits by polynomials concentrates on the degree of the polynomial as the relevant measure of complexity. It was shown in [NS94] that this measure corresponds to Boolean decision tree complexity (and remains roughly the same regardless of whether the function is being computed exactly by the polynomial or only \approximately" for one notion of \approximation"). The degree required to compute a function is fairly robust to changes in representation (for example, should fYES,NOg correspond to f1,0g or to f-1,1g, : : : ). Recently the size of a polynomial (i.e., the number of terms) has also been studied, and it has been shown that this is more sensitive to the choice of representation [KP96]. Low-degree polynomials over the reals can be simulated by circuits consisting of a single MAJORITY gate with small-fan-in AND gates. (These are so-called MAJ+ circuits, also called (generalized) perceptrons.) A sequence of papers including [ABFR94, Bei94] led to the result that an AND, OR, NOT circuit with no(1) MAJORITY gates can be \e ciently" simulated by depth two circuits with a single MAJORITY gate at the output, with small { 6 { fan-in AND gates at the input level. This bound is shown to be optimal in [ZBT93], where a characterization of the symmetric functions computed by MAJ+ circuits is given. This simulation, combined with arguments about the degree required to compute the MOD2 function (even approximately), shows that any AND, OR, NOT circuit with no(1) MAJORITY gates requires exponential size to compute MOD2. Barrington and Straubing [BS94] generalize this to MODm for any m. 5.2 The Surprising Power of Composite Moduli Several papers have shown senses in which MODm gates for composite m (m not a prime power) have more computational power than MODp gates for prime p. For instance, using communication complexity, Grolmusz [Gro95a] presented a function computable by depth two MODm circuits than cannot be computed by depth two MODp circuits. Continuing the line of work simulating circuits by polynomials, Barrington, Beigel, and Rudich de ned the MODm degree of a function as the minimal degree required to represent the function over the ring of integers MODm [BBR94]. Although the OR function has degree n=(p 1) for prime p, it is shown in [BBR94] that for composite m the degree MODm is O( r pn), where r is the number of prime factors of m. The de nition of MODm degree is rather delicate, which led the authors of [BBR94] to de ne a related notion called \weak degree MODm" that is more robust to slight changes. Tardos and Barrington gave the rst lower bounds for weak degree [TB95]. Later these results were extended by Grolmusz [Gro95b], who also studied the size (number of monomials) required to represent a function mod m. [BBR94] also presents a lower bound for the MODm degree of the MODm0 function. This bound is improved in [Tsa96] and again by Green in [Gre]. Green uses this bound to partially extend the lower bounds of [BS94], showing that the MODq function requires exponential size to compute on depth three circuits with an exact threshold gate at the output, MODp gates on the middle level, and small-fan-in AND gates at the inputs. 5.3 Solvability versus Nonsolvability Another body of lower bounds comes directly from the algebraic characterization of ACC0. (For more background about this approach to circuit complexity, see [MPT91, Lem96].) Recall that few lower bounds are known even for circuits consisting only of MOD6 gates. A natural conjecture is that these circuits cannot compute the AND function (just as AC0 circuits cannot compute MOD6). The rst lower bounds in this direction appear in [BST90], where the authors show that programs over a particular class of groups need exponential size in order to compute the AND function. This is translated into a lower bound for a certain kind of depth two circuits of MOD gates by Caussinus [Cau96, Cau]. A related lower bound is provided by [YP94], showing that a class of restricted depth three circuits also cannot compute the AND. Finally, a di erent sort of bound on the complexity of computing the AND with MOD { 7 { gates is given by [Th e], who shows that such circuits must have at least a linear number of gates on the input level. (It is appropriate to also mention [BS95], which does not provide a circuit lower bound per se, but does provide a nonlinear bound on the ACC0 formula size, using algebraic techniques.) 5.4 Low Levels of the TC0 Hierarchy The rst important lower bound for threshold circuits is still one of the best. Using the techniques of communication complexity, [HMP+93] shows that depth three MAJORITY circuits are exponentially more powerful than depth two circuits. (Extensions may be found in [Kra91, KW95].) It is important to note that there are many di erent decompositions of TC0 that are useful, depending on whether the basic gates are MAJORITY, exact threshold, or weighted threshold, etc., or alternatively if AC0 circuitry is considered \cheap" and only applications of MAJORITY are considered expensive [MT93, Mac95]. Many separations are known among the various low levels; a good survey of these separations and inclusions is found in [Raz92]. See also [GHR92, GK93, Hof96] and the articles in [RSO94]. The state of the art in this direction still only yields superpolynomial bounds for restricted classes of depth two or depth three circuits: Threshold-of-MODm [KP94], extending [Gol95]. An alternate proof is presented in [ES]. Depth Three MAJORITY circuits where the middle level is AND [HG91, RW93]. Depth Three MAJORITY circuits where the bottom level is AND [Gro94]. Sitharam presents a uni ed framework in which many of these bounds can be obtained [Sit]. Limitations of some of these techniques are discussed in [RSOK95]. A di erent technique (yielding weaker lower bounds) is presented in [Juk95]. Finally, it is appropriate to mention two other streams of work that may be viewed as initial steps for proving circuit lower bounds (although they do not explicitly yield circuit bounds in their current forms). TC0 can be characterized in terms of rst-order logic with counting quanti ers [BIS90]. Work such as that of Etessami on non-expressibility [Ete] can be viewed as providing a limited circuit lower bound. As another example, [HNW93] proves a result for read-once formulae, whose extension to general formulae would provide lower bounds for TC0. 6 A Large Obstacle to Progress The question of whether ACC0 circuits can compute MAJORITY has now been considered for a decade, and has withstood all attacks so far. Similarly, the question of whether TC0 = NC1 remains open in spite of considerable attention. Although it is at least conceivable { 8 { that some variation on a known proof technique will su ce to prove lower bounds for ACC0, there is strong evidence that a radically di erent approach will be necessary to prove lower bounds for TC0. This evidence comes from the work on \Natural Proofs" by Razborov and Rudich [RR94]. Razborov and Rudich formulate a notion of lower bound proof that is general enough to include all of the papers dealing with constant-depth circuits cited in the preceding sections. They show that if there is a proof of this sort (which they call a \Natural Proof") proving that NP is not contained in TC0, then there are no cryptographically-secure functions computed in TC0. But cryptographers believe that there are cryptographically secure functions computable in TC0 [IN89].3 If they are right, then [RR94] shows that any proof showing TC0 6= NP must look quite unlike any circuit lower bound proof that has been seen yet: an \unnatural" proof. On the other hand, there is no strong evidence for the existence of cryptographicallysecure functions in ACC0. Thus the results of [RR94] do not seem to indicate any obstacles to answering whether ACC0 = TC0. 7 An Old and Unnatural Proof Technique Razborov and Rudich were careful to argue that [RR94] should not be taken as a cause for pessimism. Rather, it should serve as a guide indicating which approaches to rule out. Certainly, many complexity theoreticians are trying to formulate arguments that avoid the problems faced by Natural Proofs. It should be noted that one of the oldest and most powerful weapons in the arsenal of complexity theory does, in fact, yield \unnatural" proofs: Diagonalization. Unfortunately, diagonalization is not well-suited for arguments about circuit complexity, since diagonalization proceeds by satisfying a countable number of requirements (such as: Requirement i: language A is not accepted by machine i), and there are uncountably many circuit families. This problem can be side-stepped by considering only uniform families of circuits; circuit family fCng is uniform if there is an e cient algorithm for the mapping n 7! Cn. We will follow the lead of [BIS90] and use \Dlogtime" uniformity. (For the purposes of this survey it will not be necessary to deal with the details of the de nition of the uniformity condition.) Since uniform TC0 is contained in DSPACE(log n) 6= PSPACE, it is easy to show that the standard PSPACE-complete sets require exponential-size uniform TC0 circuits. (Similarly, although we don't know if DTIME(2n) has polynomial-size circuits, it is easy to show that it requires exponential-size uniform circuits.) Can we improve on these trivial bounds? The rst paper to make explicit use of uniformity in proving a circuit lower bound was [AG94]. There, we showed that computing the permanent of a matrix requires size at least 2n on ACC0 circuits. The proof combines the circuit simulations of [Yao90, BT94] with 3This is perhaps the appropriate place to mention that it has been conjectured that TC0 is in fact equal to NC1 [IL95]. Certainly it seems possible to do much more signi cant computation in TC0 than in ACC0, although [BC91] does present some natural computational problems that are in ACC0. It has also been conjectured that TC0 and NC1 are not equal [BC89]. { 9 { diagonalizations. We were able to prove lower bounds showing that complete sets for PP and C=P are hard for ACC0 circuits to compute, too { but our size bounds are weaker there than for the permanent. If T (T (n)) < 2n, then a complete set for PP requires more than size T (n) to compute on uniform ACC0 circuits. (In [AG94] this is called a sub-subexponential size bound. Note that this is still much larger than, say, nlogn.) No lower bounds for uniform TC0 were presented in [AG94]. The rst bounds of that sort were presented in [CMTV96]; there it was proved that there is a set in the counting hierarchy that requires superpolynomial size to compute on uniform TC0 circuits. (The counting hierarchy is the union of the sequence PP, PPPP, PPPPPP ; : : :However, the proof in [CMTV96] did not give a clue as to which set in the counting hierarchy would be hard, and the size bound was only superpolynomial, and not even, say, nlog n. In [All] I build on [CMTV96] to show lower bounds for the permanent and for the standard complete sets for PP: these problems all require more than size T (n) to compute on uniform TC0 circuits, if T (T (: : : (T (n)) : : :)) = o(2n) (for any constant number of compositions). Note that, although this size bound is smaller than the bound in [AG94], it is for a more powerful class of circuits. An obvious question is whether these bounds can be improved. Can the hard sets for PP really be that much easier than the permanent? Do the hard sets for PP require exponential size on uniform TC0 circuits? Is it possible to apply these techniques to show that smaller complexity classes require superpolynomial size TC0 circuits? (Other applications of diagonalization in uniform circuit complexity have been presented recently by [II96].) 8 Stronger Separations from AC0 In order to de ne a framework where the probabilistic method might conceivably be applied to questions about countable classes in complexity theory, Lutz de ned a notion of resourcebounded measure [Lut92]. With this notion it is possible to talk in a meaningful way about whether NP is a \large" or \small" subset of DTIME(2nO(1)). Several papers have been written (e.g., [LM94]) considering the hypothesis \NP is not a measure-zero subset of DTIME(2nO(1))" as a likely complexity-theoretic hypothesis, in the same way that \the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse" and \P 6=NP" are used as likely complexity-theoretic hypotheses. In order to investigate this hypothesis, one step would be to consider the analogous question \scaled down" to polynomial time. That is, is NTIME(log n) a measure zero subset of P? An initial obstacle to overcome is that the de nition of measure provided by Lutz does not extend in any obvious way to classes smaller than P. Nonetheless, a notion of measure on P that generalizes Lutz's notion was de ned in [AS94], thus successfully overcoming this rst obstacle. Using many techniques developed for proving lower bounds for AC0, Cai, Sivakumar, and Strauss [CSS, Siv96] succeeded in showing that not only is NTIME(log n) a measure zero subset of P, but in fact all of AC0 has measure zero in P (using a notion of measure that di ers only slightly from that of [AS94]). This is the most exciting application of resource{ 10 {bounded measure on P thus far, and it also gives cause to reconsider how likely it is thatNP is a measure zero subset of DTIME(2nO(1)).There are also results (using a slightly di erent notion of measure) showing that AC0(2)does not have P-measure zero [Siv96]. Since the Nisan-Wigderson pseudorandom generatoris an important tool in proving the measure zero result of [CSS], it is tempting to speculatethat there is a connection between these contrasting measure results for AC0 and AC0(2),and our inability thus far to construct pseudorandom generators for AC0(2).Finally, it is interesting to note that Lutz's notion of measure is actually quite closelyrelated to notion of Natural Proof presented by [RR94]; it was shown in [RSC95] that theexistence of a natural proof showing that a problem is not in some class C corresponds(roughly) to an argument that the class C is a \small" complexity class in the sense ofresource-bounded measure. These connections are still not understood as well as they shouldbe.9 Constant-Depth ReducibilityThus far in this survey, I have concentrated on that aspect where progress in complexity the-ory has been most modest: proving lower bounds. Complexity theory has been incrediblysuccessful on another front, however. For the overwhelming majority of natural computa-tional problems that arise in practice, there is a natural complexity class for which thatproblem is complete. Thus complexity theory has been very successful at classifying andcharacterizing the complexity of problems in terms of reducibility, completeness, and com-plexity classes. In this section I will discuss how to use the techniques of circuit complexityto build on this strength.There are many important and natural problems that are in NC1 and are in no strictlysmaller complexity class; there are also many important and natural problems that arein DSPACE(log n) and are in no strictly smaller complexity class. These problems are\complete" for NC1 and DSPACE(log n), respectively { but in order to make this precise weneed a notion of completeness. Arguably the most natural notion of completeness for classessuch as these is the notion given by AC0 many-one reductions. In fact, as was pointed out by[AG91], the rst time AC0 was studied in complexity theory was precisely for this purpose[Jon75]. Also, the rst-order translations of Immerman [Imm87] (which provide a notion ofcompleteness de ned entirely in terms of logic) correspond to AC0 reductions.Finally, it is an empirical fact that the NP-complete problems that one encounters inpractice are all complete under AC0 reductions. In fact, it is not known if there is anycomplexity class larger than P for which there is a set complete under polynomial-timereductions but not under AC0 reductions. Thus we lose nothing of practical importanceif we re-de ne all notions of NP-completeness and completeness for other classes solely interms of AC0 reductions.Here are two rather startling facts about complete sets under AC0 reducibility. { 11 {Theorem 9.1 [AAR] Let C be any complexity class closed under TC0 reductions. (Thus Ccan be P or NP or NC1 or PP, etc.)1. All sets complete for C under AC0 reductions are complete under NC0 reductions.2. All sets complete for C under AC0 reductions are isomorphic under isomorphisms com-putable and invertible by depth three AC0 circuits.The rst theorem is a sort of \Gap" theorem. It says that, although NC0 is much weakerthan AC0, AC0 reductions do not yield any more NP-complete sets than NC0 reductions do.A natural and important open question asks how large this \gap" is. Are all sets completeunder polynomial-time reductions also complete under NC0 reductions? If so, then P 6= NP(because this would imply that all NP-complete sets are P/poly isomorphic,4 which impliesthat no nite set is NP-complete, and hence P 6= NP). If the \gap" is not that large, thenhow far does it extend?The second theorem is an analog of the Berman-Hartmanis conjecture. It says that thereare unexpected similarities among the NP-complete sets. It is particularly striking whenone considers a function f computable in AC0 that produces output that is pseudorandomto depth three AC0 circuits. Theorem 9.1 says that f(SAT ) is isomorphic to SAT via anisomorphism that is provably too weak to distinguish meaningful inputs from noise.10 ConclusionsThe fundamental questions of complexity theory are important, and they won't go away. Letus never forget that all cryptosystems in existence today are based on conjecture and wishfulthinking. Before we can have con dence that a cryptosystem is secure, it will be necessaryto have non-asymptotic bounds on the average case complexity of problems. Before suchbounds can be achieved, the fundamental and basic questions (such as NP 6 TC0) will needto be resolved. For some of those questions, we need to have \unnatural" proof techniques.Until these \unnatural" proofs are developed and usher in the new millennium, thereare still signi cant and interesting advances in our understanding that are possible andamenable to the tools of circuit complexity. I have mentioned three areas that are close tomy own research: (a) obtaining lower bounds for uniform circuits, (b) obtaining measure-based separation of circuit complexity classes, and (c) studying reducibilities de ned in termsof circuit classes.References[AA96] M. Agrawal and E. Allender. 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Circuit Complexity before the Dawn of the NewMillenniumEric

The 1980's saw rapid and exciting development of techniques for proving lower bounds in circuit complexity. This pace has slowed recently , and there has even been work indicating that quite diierent proof techniques must be employed to advance beyond the current frontier of circuit lower bounds. Although this has engendered pessimism in some quarters, there have in fact been many positive deve...

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Circuit Complexity before the Dawn of the New Millennium

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